What Do We Do Now?

Five essential actions: Pray, be informed, question, be involved, stand and believe.

1.  Pray

If you have a relationship with God, then make your appeal to heaven─and if you don’t, you might want to consider it!

2.  Be Informed

  • Know what’s in our constitution and Bill of Rights,
    (https://www.patriotacademy.com/) has a ‘Biblical citizenship in modern America DVD Curriculum’ and many other resources to help.)
  • Be familiar with current issues (from all perspectives),
  • Learn how government works (at all levels),
  • When applicable, go and see!
  • Listen to/watch a spectrum of news sources.
    (One America News, Epoch News, Tucker Carlson, Real America TV, FlashPoint, Victory News, and many others.)

3.  Question

  • Ask questions; be inquisitive,
  • Don’t be easily ignored or shut down,
  • Discuss with others for more perspective.

4.  Be Involved

  • VOTE! To not vote is to vote for the opposition! Every vote DOES count!!
  • Attend your local city council meetings and schoolboard meetings,
  • Speak up at meetings and in other groups, and with family and friends,
  • Let your elected officials know how you feel on important issues,
  • If they don’t do as you want, don’t vote for them next time!
  • Volunteer in political campaigns or polling places,
    (See Lindell’s ‘The Plan’ at link below.)
  • Speak up; let your voice be heard in every way possible.
  • Run for office!
  • Follow up; be persistent.

5.  Stand and Believe